Friday, October 31, 2014

Three Ideas for Employment:

Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship: whereby I visit retirement centres and a hospital ward with my trained pet therapy dog, except that I need non-profit sponsorship so as to issue receipts for contributions to help pay for the dog's vet and food and any emergency, even though he is insured at the time of certification.  Non-profits will not sponsor my dog and me as 1099 workers so that I can issue receipts and apply for city grants, about which I investigated further with the city over the phone.

I call the city to negotiate a $10/hr. job picking up trash around different neighbourhoods in the city as there is a lot of trash collecting to do.  I explain that I pick up trash around the city on my own time. The city said no to the job and sent $100,000 worth of equipment to the street in question the next day to sweep the street.  Trash is still collected along the bushes of the street and it would have cost the city less than $100 for me to pick it all up.

I call the city clerk's office to inquire as to whether it would be OK if I dress as a clown and hold a sign that reads: "Jokes $1: Books $10."  The city clerk says to me over the phone that I can dress as a clown and sell self published books on the street, just that I cannot sell "Mark Twain" books: that I am protected under the First Amendment.  I am stopped by police within five minutes standing on a curb honking my horn at passing traffic hoping for a handout.  Across the street is a man with a "homeless: no drugs" sign.  The police tell me to move along snapping a photo of me, but they don't say anything to the man across the street.

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