Friday, October 31, 2014


I guess that I really am a "humbugger."  It dawned on me from what people say to me that nobody can stand being around me.  I don't know how my wife puts up with me, if nobody else does.  And, a lot of the time: my wife doesn't put up with me!  This phenome seems to recur all the time in my life: where I find other people cannot stand being around me.  The guy from the next door house out back used to call me "Mr. Annoying Man."  I overheard another neighbor say to someone else do not have anything to do with me, I'll make their lives a living hell.  Other people have said that I am difficult or eccentric, hyperverbal and even hologramic, like a Robin Williams.  Other opinions are that I am a hard person to get to know, but once you get to know me: I am a good person to know.  One recent person that I met said that I am hard to listen to.  Never minding all the epithets that I have been called in my life by people near and far ...  Not to mention a diagnosis of SZ!  A doctor said to me recently that a lot of people in the community have misjudged me.  I am not sure what to believe or what the solution is so that I don't burn all proverbial bridges with people and continue to try and grow within the world of life by being employed and biting my tongue more often.

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