Friday, October 31, 2014

"I am 'black,' but comely"

"Racism" is insidious, pervasive and prevalent in the world.

It is built into societal frame works of "popular thought" and almost unavoidable both on personal levels and in cultural environs, no matter if one identifies with perpetuating "racism" or not.

"Racism" exists as a psychological reaction to differences between not only peoples' perceptions of skin colour, but also varies in other perceived differences such as beliefs, handicaps, monetary worth, sexism, etc. ... all of which can be regarded as "stigmas" to societies.

As a result, "racism" is a figment of the imagination manifesting in judgemental actions based upon perceptions.

For example: as a white man in America, I cannot help but think that another person whom I see on a street is "black," if I perceive them with "black" skin.

If I act on what I perceive and say something derogatory about a person's skin colour, the thought manifests in action to what is known as "racism:" just as if I act and say something derogatory about women, it is "sexism;" and, just as if I act and say something derogatory about some peoples' lack of monetary worth, it is "elitism;" etc.

By the same token, a black man likely cannot help but think a person is "white" upon seeing someone who is perceived as "white" on a street along with a profound knowledge that a person has "black" skin due to facts of historic, segregated societies and resulting lack of opportunities because of skin colour.

Basically: "racism" exists because people choose to perpetuate racist "thoughts" in "judgemental actions," the which denigrate those perceived as different in skin colour.

One never knows what another person knows.  Even if a person thinks to know another person or something, yet do they not know that person or thing.

People and life is a bottomless well of knowledge, wisdom and experience from which any one person or mankind can only surmise the surface to understand at any one point in time, with life and lives constantly in a flux of metamorphosis, change and unfolding.

Lastly: people have freedom to "think anything," but "acting" on "thoughts" is when "racism" and other "perceived positive and/or negative psychologies" of societies manifest.

"I look forward to the day when humans shall have sloughed off the body and become a vortex of thought." - Harper's Weekly, 1960s

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