Friday, October 31, 2014

Letter to -B-:

I received the article from the well blog, NY TIMES by the writer with sz.  Thanks!

What struck me the most was his remarks on relationships with people and he writes "all you need anyway is one or two friends."  I've heard that before from a friend when living in CA.

It's true, but I have never understood why people are closed off in communicating with others or me like the man from Puerto Rico at your schoolhouse said: "In Puerto Rico, they say hello.  Here they don't even look at you."

I grew up in Africa.  Go to most places in Africa and people greet each other.  People here are like if you look at them the wrong way, they beat you up.

I have mentioned that to another guy whom I know and is an acquaintance of mine from here and he confirmed it saying "yep. that's the way I came up."

You thought your Hurricane Katrina tenants were bad!  W0W!  You should've lived here as a super then tenant yourself since October 2001.

Anyway, -B-, I want peace with you and my family.  I love you all as people who have been in my life for a long time: all of my life.  I can only surmise that love is why I didn't disappear to Bellingham or wherever and came back here.

As for being a cause of problems, I inherited the sz diagnosis due to genetics as well as due to the dynamics of my relationship with my mother.  I am convinced of it by readings in biological and experiential hypothesis on sz.
I try to talk to mom, but it is 50 subjects per second non stop without any conclusion to any one subject.  It drives me crazy.  I can't be around my parents without being irritated.

You are an old man, -B-, and I mean you no harm when I lash out in emails.  I wish you peace. It is just that I can become angry and frustrated at not being able to have any kind of meaningful communication with my parents and people they affect concerning me.

So, thanks for the good times and no thanks for the bad times: your being integral to my parents and me moving to Maine.  I am going to heed my aunt's advice and focus on the wife and my one or two friends.

If I don't have money, so be it!  I'll lie down in bed like the Sierra Leonians.

Incidentally, I won $4,520 net in 2014 from answering a TV ad during fall of 2004.  All I had to do was sign legal work about the med that I was prescribed at the time with -EH's signature as a witness after everybody shouted at me between 1996 and 2002 to take it, which I was taking it and the judge agreed that I was taking it in light of the medical records.

I almost died twice due to side effects of that medicine: in the ER on life support with hyponaetremic seizures, which is what the judge concurred.

I remember June was in the back seat beside mom during 2007 in Portland and June said to mom: "you're signing your life away."  Mom laughed and signed.  Ten years after answering the TV ad over the med that I was prescribed from 1996 to 2002, I received $4,520 net by certified mail.  Lawyer was in Texas.  Court was in New Jersey.  I never ventured further than Bethel to Augusta to Portland in all that time.

What the $4520.¢¢ sums up to from the medical suit with -EH- as a signed witness in court is that if -EH- ever says that it was "me" and not bad side effects from medicine that caused me to act erratically between 1996 and 2002, then -EH- perjures herself in that -EH- is a signed witness in court to the fact that it was the medicine which had deleterious side effects on me causing me to act erratically.

A judge agreed that it was the medicines which were poisonous to me, as did -EH- with -EH-'s signature on the witness line of the legal docket.  Hence, -EH- perjures herself as a witness to a judge's ruling if -EH- ever says that it was "me" that caused me to act out between 1996 and 2002 and not the medicine that I was prescribed and shouted at to ingest, if not in subsequent years too with other medicines that I was prescribed until the present (such as during 2012 when people were calling my doctor and leaving messages about me while the doctor kept upping doses of deleterious medicines).

In short, I sued -EH- for the truth about what has happened to me since February, 1993 when I began the delusional journey to regain what had been taken from me: a trusting family of me in that my family did not believe that I did not prank or call -JJ- during February 1993 (it was New Yorkers with whom I went to school and them being a reason that I traveled to SF; and, I sued the pharmaceutical company over the deleterious medicine that I was prescribed between 1996 and 2002.  I won both suits during 2014 with -EH- as my witness on a legal docket so that if -EH- ever says otherwise about me concerning truth or the medicine: -EH- perjures herself.

May I recommend the movie title: "I, Croupier."

I wish that I had never listened to anybody about appl stock, as in "you'll lose your money."  I think it best practice to not put much stock into what other people say because you were right: "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

I think that I might have to be like a troll on Internet forums in real life and "not let commentary get me down," but I find that people are so mean sometimes.

In other news, I will have a chance to plug my books at a community college, psycho-social class as a Peer Educator in mid-November. Supposedly, "Twenty-Seven Schizophrenic Scrawls" on Amazon could be considered for required reading.  A State of Maine vocational advisor is setting up the Peer Educator role for me and he thinks that I am an "excellent writer," having read my book.

Anyway, best of luck: Mr. -B-.  Don't die too young! Take care!  I will try to leave you alone and not reach out to you.  I know that I can be a bother or what's called a humbug.  After all, dad and my brother gifted me "humbug" candy from Norway.

P.S. at least I am not a psychopath!
So, I figure the 1st amendment applies to me too, even if all I do is babble ...
Besides, there are worse stigmas than sz comprises: Ebola, for one!

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