Friday, November 21, 2014

Dear info@:

I will not add my name to anymore petitions of gov't., except by voting next in 2016.  I voted twice for 0bama, 2008 and 2012.

I appreciate that 0bama is a good man doing the best that he can in difficult circumstances and I do believe that the whoms' of diversity are essential to reforming the USA attitudes of bigotry that is rooted in the school systems at an early age for most youths in the USA, as per my experiences.  (After all, it means more foo-foo for me!)

Short hand: I would like to see support for Maine immigrants from the feds in that I know as a fact that African immigrants in ME were from indigent countries where yours' and my iMAC is attributable and contingent to "our typing" and Steve Jobs' unfinished super yacht by the time of his death, causing civil wars in African continent regions over essential components for an iMAC and other electronic equipments used by insatiable consumers.

After all: both Bushes, Clinton and Reagan initiated immigration, reform legislation.  I am left wondering why I keep thinking of Bohner when my wife crosses my path or else why I think my cat is at my feet when kitty is across the 45 ft. length of apartment sleeping on my wife's pillow ... eat more burritos and foo-foo!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Response to Two Cents Worth:

Thanks, U, for your two cents.  A couple of things are that things have changed since I wrote the letter to B and publicised it for everybody to read and understand.  I believe that with the letter, I arrived at some truth about myself regarding other peoples' opinions of me and of all the things that I have been falsely accused.  I am a free man, U, and as far as the new wife and me are concerned, we are building our lives together as I write this response to you.  We are in the process of building our lives together, but I had some unfinished business to take care of from my past: which the letter accomplished.  So, I am a free man as of the letter with the dust settling from the impact of the letter's message about how I sued my mother for the "truth" by having her sign as a witness on a legal docket about deleterious medications that I was prescribed.  As for what happened to me during February 1993 in that I was extricated from school in SF and locked in a psyche ward in NYC, the truth is known now with the letter.  I sought the truth and got it, like it says: "seek and ye shall find."

So, thanks again for your input!  take care, -JB-

Friday, October 31, 2014

The World is Schizoid

On Voices

Why do psychiatrists ask: "do you hear voices?"  It is a baited question posed to schizophrenia.

Also, it is a stupid question because on the one hand, if the patient says: 'yes,' then it is acknowledged that the patient hears 'voices.'

However, the doctor can't hear the 'voices.'  But, the doctor is acknowledging the patient verbatim when a patient says that they hear 'voices.'

(Yet, few psychiatrists or members of the public will acknowledge anything else a person diagnosed with schizophrenia suppositions, instead the norm being to assume that the person 'hears voices' 24/7/365.

Thus, schizophrenics are discounted: except in the case(s) when the patient says that they 'hear voices,' which is stigma).

The term 'voices' originated from hospital settings wherein a patient(s) used the most apt term available to them in their limited vocabulary and education to describe their experience.

The term 'voices' was then coined by psychiatrists and used in the DSM-IV because psychiatrists heard the term on the ward originally from patients.  (Royalties?)

One supposition is that there is no such thing as 'voices' to describe a schizophrenic's experience.

'Hearing voices' is 'hearing things' that are not 'there' or within earshot, in terms of the DSM-IV schizophrenia definition of it.

Thinking is 'voices.'

A person sounds out words in the brainbefore uttering the words.  It might take a nano-second for the brain's thought (sounding out) to reach the tongue.  In that nano-second, it is a 'voice' that is not 'there.'

Thus, a thought is a 'voice(s).'  Everybody has thoughts.  So, everybody hears voice(s).

The term 'voices' to describe what a schizophrenic might be experiencing is a misconstrued description of what is 'disorganized thinking' to one degree or another in terms of the manifestation of 'disorganized thinking' in varied individuals: not just schizophrenics.

Lastly, if 'voices' originate from within the brain because there is no other source for them, then what is 'voices' but thoughts?

An Answer:
I suppose auditory hallucinations could be considered a kind of thought. They're a brain process of some sort. Though not all thinking involves language. 
Spoof on Voices:

Aggravated Illness by Bearishly Mans Jeers The Press Herald September 21, 2011 PORTLAND —

Police want Portland residents to be aware that there should be no barriers for people who seek mental health support services in the city.

The department held its first Family Forum on Tuesday night at the police station to promote those services and make its position clear: no one, regardless of their situation, should be denied help in a crisis.

Outside, Portland, ME is dark at 4pm in November. Suffering from a spell of cabin fever on one such evening in 2011 and the dog needing to go out, I ventured out not suspecting what I was about to experience on the street in front of the house where I have lived for ten years.

Some ten years ago, I lived in the West End of Portland before I moved to where I presently stay and have resided for ten years.

When I lived on the West End of Portland, On or about June 11, 2001, I was stopped by three burly officers of the law in cruisers at Longfellow Square and was asked why I was crowing like a rooster as they had reports of my yelling slurs.

I explained that I was not slurring people; that I hated nobody and that I was crowing like a rooster because miscreants were calling me a chicken adding:

"I was walking in VD Port the other day reading the Casco Bay Jerkly when all of a sudden one of those high school kids and you know how they hang out down there up and says 'have fun going home with your dog tonight.' So, being a clown I tooted my bike horn twice like a clown does."

One of the officers said that this was good, but told me to go home and go to work. I did.

(For the full story: google "Mental Illness Prophecy").

I was hospitalized for SZ in July 2001 after being beaten down in my rental apartment on the fourth of July, 2001 at 1am by the landlord's underage drinking buddies from Portland HS when the landlord and his wife had been out of town and I caught the kids fucking over the chickens in the back yard being awoken by their party.

I had called the police, but when the police came, they said not to call them anymore as the kids had hidden and then reappeared after the police left. I was hospitalized for SZ after the Fourth of July, 2001 and released from the psych ward on August 3, 2001.

On August 4, 2001, one of the kids from July 4, 2001 shouted at me when he saw me and said that he would "kill me."

I proceeded to notify my doctor, my parents, the landlord's friends down the street and the doctor told me to tell the police and file a report, the which when I went to the station, they escorted me to the hospital yet again.

I was in approximately ten police paddy wagons, cruisers and ambulances between 2001 and 2002 in Portland, ME taking me for five hospitalizations due to an illness aggravated by miscreants (or otherwise known as other people's kids) and bad parenting in the community.

On the night in question, Tuesday, November 15, 2011: I was suffering from cabin fever and ventured out for a few minutes with my dog for air.

When I opened the front door and stepped out onto the walk where I live, I noticed a police cruiser with lights flashing and parked. Another cruiser was up the street. A police man standing next to the nearer cruiser was texting and a large group of kids (no more in age than 15yo) were running around on the next block apparently going up to different houses and "knocking for suspicious activity" (as I was to find out later is what's dubbed: "Community Policing").

"The Portland Police Department is committed to a community approach to policing our neighbourhoods. This requires officers to become immersed in the neighbourhoods they serve and become a resource for residents as well as law enforcement."

Apparently, Community Policing is fifteen year old kids knocking for suspicious activity. Then, as my dog made his usual rounds on the corner with my "rubber necking" some, I was about to turn back into my house when at least six of the group of +/-twenty kids I had seen, ran up to me on the corner while my dog relieved himself, confronted me, and told me to take my hands out of my pockets: that they were going to ask me a few questions.

Having seen a urologist for that particular side effect due to my experiences with other people's kids, I curtly told them to "fuck off," turned around and walked back to my house.

I was standing on the walk way to where I live at the foot of the steps for the front door of the house and the police man whom I had seen texting strode up to me out of the dark and said in an authoritative tone:

"Why were you rude to those kids!?"

I replied:

"I saw a urologist for that particular side effect."

"What does that have to do with what you told them?" he retorted.

"It means that I don't do what kids tell me and you should know that," failing to mention "Lance the dispatcher" and his knowledge of me my having listened to a police scanner 24/7 for six months once upon a time.

I heard "Lance the dispatcher" tell an officer jokingly that he would order the officer to go after "Jimmy," (assumedly me in my mind), if the officer didn't follow another dispatch order.

The officer standing on the walkway to the house where I live continued:

"Well, those kids are performing a community service. You shouldn't have told them that. Do you have ID?"

"Well, I'm schizoid," I told him. "I saw my doctor today. I was just coming out to walk my dog. I live here," I told him.

I gave him my ID and then asked:

"What!? You going to take me to jail?"

"I might," he retorted as he called in my license number and found out from the "Lance on duty" who I was and my history with police in Portland.

"Hey!" I told him as he was calling into a dispatcher: "I counted to 24-1000 on December 8 last year. I haven't done anything."

Upon retrieving information on my license, he said after he told me to be quiet so he could tell me something:

"If I hear of you being mean to kids again, I am going to arrest you."

Then, I asked:

"Can I tell you something now?"

He acquiesced and I barked:

"Kids were mean to me once upon a time. You tell those kids NOT to be mean to me or I'll sue!"
A Pennsylvania man won $50,000 after he was cited for flipping off a cop. "The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently held that speech may not be prohibited simply because some may find it offensive," said Ira P. Robbins, a law professor from American University in Washington D.C. "Virtually every time someone is arrested for this, assuming there's no other criminal behavior... the case is either dismissed before trial or the person is convicted at trial and wins on appeal."
In my experience, Portland's programs for Mental Health Support Services and Community Policing are divergent, contradictory and aggravate situations. "howler and spider monkeys diverged from a common ancestor".

Letter to -B-:

I received the article from the well blog, NY TIMES by the writer with sz.  Thanks!

What struck me the most was his remarks on relationships with people and he writes "all you need anyway is one or two friends."  I've heard that before from a friend when living in CA.

It's true, but I have never understood why people are closed off in communicating with others or me like the man from Puerto Rico at your schoolhouse said: "In Puerto Rico, they say hello.  Here they don't even look at you."

I grew up in Africa.  Go to most places in Africa and people greet each other.  People here are like if you look at them the wrong way, they beat you up.

I have mentioned that to another guy whom I know and is an acquaintance of mine from here and he confirmed it saying "yep. that's the way I came up."

You thought your Hurricane Katrina tenants were bad!  W0W!  You should've lived here as a super then tenant yourself since October 2001.

Anyway, -B-, I want peace with you and my family.  I love you all as people who have been in my life for a long time: all of my life.  I can only surmise that love is why I didn't disappear to Bellingham or wherever and came back here.

As for being a cause of problems, I inherited the sz diagnosis due to genetics as well as due to the dynamics of my relationship with my mother.  I am convinced of it by readings in biological and experiential hypothesis on sz.
I try to talk to mom, but it is 50 subjects per second non stop without any conclusion to any one subject.  It drives me crazy.  I can't be around my parents without being irritated.

You are an old man, -B-, and I mean you no harm when I lash out in emails.  I wish you peace. It is just that I can become angry and frustrated at not being able to have any kind of meaningful communication with my parents and people they affect concerning me.

So, thanks for the good times and no thanks for the bad times: your being integral to my parents and me moving to Maine.  I am going to heed my aunt's advice and focus on the wife and my one or two friends.

If I don't have money, so be it!  I'll lie down in bed like the Sierra Leonians.

Incidentally, I won $4,520 net in 2014 from answering a TV ad during fall of 2004.  All I had to do was sign legal work about the med that I was prescribed at the time with -EH's signature as a witness after everybody shouted at me between 1996 and 2002 to take it, which I was taking it and the judge agreed that I was taking it in light of the medical records.

I almost died twice due to side effects of that medicine: in the ER on life support with hyponaetremic seizures, which is what the judge concurred.

I remember June was in the back seat beside mom during 2007 in Portland and June said to mom: "you're signing your life away."  Mom laughed and signed.  Ten years after answering the TV ad over the med that I was prescribed from 1996 to 2002, I received $4,520 net by certified mail.  Lawyer was in Texas.  Court was in New Jersey.  I never ventured further than Bethel to Augusta to Portland in all that time.

What the $4520.¢¢ sums up to from the medical suit with -EH- as a signed witness in court is that if -EH- ever says that it was "me" and not bad side effects from medicine that caused me to act erratically between 1996 and 2002, then -EH- perjures herself in that -EH- is a signed witness in court to the fact that it was the medicine which had deleterious side effects on me causing me to act erratically.

A judge agreed that it was the medicines which were poisonous to me, as did -EH- with -EH-'s signature on the witness line of the legal docket.  Hence, -EH- perjures herself as a witness to a judge's ruling if -EH- ever says that it was "me" that caused me to act out between 1996 and 2002 and not the medicine that I was prescribed and shouted at to ingest, if not in subsequent years too with other medicines that I was prescribed until the present (such as during 2012 when people were calling my doctor and leaving messages about me while the doctor kept upping doses of deleterious medicines).

In short, I sued -EH- for the truth about what has happened to me since February, 1993 when I began the delusional journey to regain what had been taken from me: a trusting family of me in that my family did not believe that I did not prank or call -JJ- during February 1993 (it was New Yorkers with whom I went to school and them being a reason that I traveled to SF; and, I sued the pharmaceutical company over the deleterious medicine that I was prescribed between 1996 and 2002.  I won both suits during 2014 with -EH- as my witness on a legal docket so that if -EH- ever says otherwise about me concerning truth or the medicine: -EH- perjures herself.

May I recommend the movie title: "I, Croupier."

I wish that I had never listened to anybody about appl stock, as in "you'll lose your money."  I think it best practice to not put much stock into what other people say because you were right: "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

I think that I might have to be like a troll on Internet forums in real life and "not let commentary get me down," but I find that people are so mean sometimes.

In other news, I will have a chance to plug my books at a community college, psycho-social class as a Peer Educator in mid-November. Supposedly, "Twenty-Seven Schizophrenic Scrawls" on Amazon could be considered for required reading.  A State of Maine vocational advisor is setting up the Peer Educator role for me and he thinks that I am an "excellent writer," having read my book.

Anyway, best of luck: Mr. -B-.  Don't die too young! Take care!  I will try to leave you alone and not reach out to you.  I know that I can be a bother or what's called a humbug.  After all, dad and my brother gifted me "humbug" candy from Norway.

P.S. at least I am not a psychopath!
So, I figure the 1st amendment applies to me too, even if all I do is babble ...
Besides, there are worse stigmas than sz comprises: Ebola, for one!

An Attempt to Clarify and Communicate with Family and Others about Me:

In a letter from -B- that I received when I was living in Bellingham, WA during fall 1995, the letter contained a closing line of: "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

I remember that the letter was two pages on front and back of one page and that I thought it a rambling letter until I read the closing line, which struck me as implying that I was an asshole for having traveled to Bellingham, WA via Maine and across the USA originating from Gaborone where my decision to leave -EH- and -JL-'s compound in Gaborone culminated with -JL- shouting at me and kicking a white, plastic chair towards me at an outdoor lunch table.

The argument between us was that I wanted to learn how to write and wanted to go to libraries and read so that I could learn to write.  -EH- and -JL- offered me one of two other choices for me to keep busy while in Gaborone: aerobics instructor class or scuba diving in a swimming pool.  I did not want to do either class, but I enrolled in aerobics class during evenings at the gym and spent days at the University of Botswana library.

I left Gaborone due to irreconcilable differences between -EH-, -JL- and myself in that I did not have space to pursue reading in libraries and learning how to write as I was practically illiterate at the time with only a high school diploma, which did not amount to much in terms of educative processes for me.  I was almost "stupid" at the time and knew it.

So, I decided during fall of 1993 after my first hospital visit in NYC when I was attending SFSU that I wanted to "learn."  Learning for me meant reading and writing.  Upon arrival in Bellingham, WA: I immediately sought out the university library and spent twelve hour days over three years reading and writing in the library while sleeping in my vehicle over the three years.

During June of 1995, I enrolled at a community college in Bellingham, WA and signed up for an independent course study titled: "Write like Hemingway."  The professor with whom I studied writing like Hemingway whose initials were -CV- stated to me at the conclusion of the course that I had found my "voice," as in a writing voice.  -CV- issued an A for the course at the end of summer 1995 and shared my writings with his literature class.

However, during June of 1996 when I was diagnosed with schizophrenia: I literally lost the "writing voice" I had garnered during the write like Hemingway curriculum in terms of not being able to verbalise coherently or write coherently.  I thought and mentioned to -EH- in an Oregon motel room where we stayed over a weekend trip at the time that I needed a "home" as to a reason why I was diagnosed, given that for everybody: it is 50/50 environmental/biological; with some people 30/70 and other people 80/20, depending on ratios.

Part of my thinking as to a reason for my diagnosis was such that I had never known a home base in my life with my family spread out all over the world and no personal contacts or networks to whom I could go to for reprieve in Bellingham, WA or anywhere.  I knew nobody but the one so called friend -K- whom I originally went to Bellingham, WA to visit with -K- stating to me that I had come to his "turf," i.e. Bellingham, WA.

So, I decided to move to Maine upon invite from -B-.

Since moving to Maine having been diagnosed with schizophrenia during June of 1996 in Seattle, WA and hospitalised once before 1996 during June 1993 at a hospital in NYC where I was immediately put into an isolation room on the ward for three days without anybody to talk to other than a doctor for five minutes of each day that I was in the isolation room, I have been called as many epithets as an auctioneer can spit out in a spiel.

I would posit that I won't repeat the epithets that I have been called for sake of not turning this piece of writing into a "rant" and keeping the tone communicative, but I will repeat them anyway with a disclaimer that the epithets have hurt my feelings over the years.  Whereas I would be angry a lot due to the frustration of being called epithets because of whatever reason (stigma? judgement?), I am now concluding that epithets I have been called are what people think of me: as in peoples' opinions of me.

Epithets that I have been called since moving to Maine during October 1997 are: pathetic; crazy; teatsucker; motherfucker; schizo; you hear voices; alkie who swills his drinks with sperm; it's all in your head; zero credibility; faggot; mentally ill (as in "what are doing with him: he's mentally ill" to two different girlfriends of mine over two different dinners); chicken; basically nuts; don't have anything to do with him, he'll make your life a living hell; manipulative; lunatic; I'm going to fuck you, fuck your family and god is going to get you; money talks, bullshit walks; you have milked schizophrenia for all it's worth; why doesn't he pull himself up by the bootstraps; etc.

The epithet: "it's all in your head," triggered me into hanging myself at the property in Portland, ME on May 29, 2008 because I had had enough of -EH- saying "it's all in your head" to me for years on end since 1996 when I was diagnosed with schizophrenia.  To this day: I cannot and could never communicate anything with -EH- on a verbal, communicative level.  As of late, -EH-'s twin sister concurs with my assessment in my trying to communicate with -EH- in that -EH-'s twin sister has said to me that she was my age now before -EH- would let her finish a sentence.

During 2010 over the phone, I mentioned to -JL- that I would give up trying to talk to -EH-.  -JL- said to keep trying to communicate with -EH-.  Since 2010, I have tried to communicate with -EH- to no avail.  It would not matter if I told -EH- that the sky is blue.  -EH- would not take my word for it and she would have to consult somebody else about it.

The conclusion that I draw is that epithets I have been called are reflective of my family, my family's friends and strangers' opinions of me and the definitive conclusion might be for me to disappear as it is obvious that I am considered a kind of pariah to other people (including family) because of whatever reason.

However, I have a cat and dog to think about in life: not to mention a wife!  So, I am not sure what to do at this juncture in my emotional state concerning family.  I understand that it is almost impossible for an impression to impress upon an impressionist who created an impression, but I need to know if the communication herein is clear enough to elicit a definitive conclusion about me from -EH- and -JL-, among others in my life to whom this piece of writing might be of concern.

Am I going to be threatened with eviction?  Am I going to be banned from -EH- and -JL-'s home, as has happened?

Bear in mind: statistics show that 90% of the two million people who are diagnosed with what I am diagnosed are unemployed.  95% smoke.  77% of cross genre media depict people diagnosed with schizophrenia as psychopathic criminals.  3% of people diagnosed with schizophrenia are in jail: a statistic which reflects inmates from general populations of the USA.  Lastly, my doctor has said that a lot of people in the community have "misjudged" me.

So, as a last ditch attempt to elicit a definitive conclusion about me from people whom I have known all of my life: do people wish me "dead" or to disappear because that is the conclusion I draw and the conclusion which has been impressed upon my conscience in light of herein context?

On another note: I am a self published author who may have an opportunity to be hired as a Peer Educator in a psycho-social class at a college in Maine.  If I secure a position as a Peer Educator at the college, I may be able to vend my books and/or require reading of my books for students in the cla$$.  I am currently engaged in talk of my securing a Peer Educator position at a college with a State of Maine vocational counselor who has read some of my writings and raved about them saying to me that I am an "excellent writer."

It would seem that "reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting" in that I have regained my voice in writing which I lost during 1996 when I was diagnosed and that my writing voice might pay off in the not too distant future, as of October 2014.

Other prospects are odd jobs to which I apply and sometimes secure and other times do not secure. Some jobs that I have held in that past were at a university for eight years simultaneously working as a superintendent at the building where I live in Portland, ME until I hung myself and quit everything due to the fact that I gave up life because of epithets impressing upon my conscience without my being able to communicate otherwise about myself or experiences: just deemed "basically nuts!"

In the coming weeks I am going to decide if something on the communicative level with people in my life has changed with this herein last ditch effort to communicate myself to people in my life and if not: I will be taking the dog and cat back to their respective pounds where I adopted them, leave the vehicle in the driveway at the Portland, ME property and board the Greyhound to eat baloney sandwiches outside of San Francisco City Hall where homeless people convene, or, die in a ditch.

I was never on a so called "acid" trip or called -JJ- when I lived in SF like -JJ- insisted during February 1993 and -PL- asked if I was on acid or that I called -JJ- in a call -PL- placed to me at 7PM PST February 23, 1993 while -PL- was in Rochester, NY in order to ask me if I made that call in my dorm room at SFSU on 802 Font BLVD, SF, CA.  I did not know -JJ-'s phone number at the time, as -JJ- contested that she did not know my phone number from notes on record during the time.

At the time, I was beginning to go to A.A. with a sponsor in S.F. and when I heard that I was accused of calling -JJ- with baby at 5AM CT during the previous week of February 23, 1993, I was livid at some New Yorkers with whom I went to school in New York because I thought that the New Yorkers with whom I went to grade school had pranked -JJ- stating that they, the New Yorkers with whom I went to school, were me saying "I am eight people" and that I was on acid and that they, the "pranksters," would take care of me.  (I have since read -EH-'s notes from Gaborone about the incident at the time and have the notes in possession today, October 26, 2014: the which I have thought that I might scan and post on a blog).

The point: I implore family and others to "not judge, lest ye be judged" and to open a communicative with conclusive, conversational relationship with me for the first time in my life at my being 41 years old.  I have tried to communicate the details herein verbally for years on end to no avail and I have supposed that it has been wasted time for me to try and mend trust bridges with family over "lies" about me.

Hence: if I am not able to communicate to -EH- about -EH- paying $229/month to the cable company between 2013 and 2014 when the subscription cost is $118/month or that squirrels come into the attic at the Portland, ME property off of tree limbs in the back yard and the limbs need to be cut back by an arborist with -EH- retorting that squirrels come in the attic off of power lines in front of this property: that the power lines need to buried, etc.; then, I give up and either need money to maintain the dog, cat and wife or disappear.

Meanwhile: I continue my search for some kind of a paying gig and/or community involvement so as to offset accounting from -EH- with a job shadow on October 27, 2014 @ 8am until noon at a dog kennel or else odd jobs and I will be hearing about a Peer Educator position by next week or the week after next week.

Otherwise, if my relationship statuses with my family continue on the tract that they have been on since eons ago: then I might just have to disappear.  I just can't stand the love/hate relationship that my family and others present to me in my communications with family.

If I tell y'all on January 3, 2014 that it is fifty below outside and that it is predicted to be a coastal storm with no more than two inches of snow and thirty degrees above 0ºF the next morning and to put the dogs in the mud room on paper instead of letting the dogs outside to pee: then please believe me and do not call me "lunatic" and "mentally ill" while locking me out of the house without my dog in fifty below temperatures!

I hope that this message clarifies and communicates with family and others to whom it may concern about me and my being.  I only ask that I be afforded a little respect as a human being, the kind of respect that Russ, the dog, taught me in how to treat Patch, the dog: "it is important not to overlook love."

Sincerely, -JB-

Locales of My Life:

La Luz, New Mexico
Current city

Bethel, Maine
Moved on October 1, 1997

Seattle, Washington
Moved on June 1, 1996

Bellingham, Washington
Moved on September 1, 1994

Gaborone, Botswana
Moved on January 1, 1994

San Francisco, California
Moved on August 1, 1992

Atlanta, Georgia
Moved on August 1, 1991

Southborough, Massachusetts
Moved on September 1, 1989

New York, New York
Moved on August 1, 1983

Moved on September 1, 1981

Freetown, Sierra Leone
Moved on September 1, 1973

Lubumbashi, Zaïre, (Democratic Republic Congo) June 1973

What I Know about Ebola:

Ebola is a virus first detected in villages along side the Ebola River and it is named after the Ebola River in the Congo during the early 1970's.  At the time of the first detected outbreak of Ebola, the Ivory Coast soccer team is supposed to play against the Congo (then known as Zaïre) soccer team, but the Ivory Coast contends that the team doesn't want to go to the Congo because of Ebola. However, the governing soccer franchise administrators say that if the Ivory Coast team does not go play the game in the Congo, the Ivory Coast forfeits.  The Ivory Coast team goes to the Congo, plays and when the Ivory Coast scores the first goal, the Congolese crowd stands up and jeers: "Ebola! Ebola!"

The 1970's Ebola outbreak is either stemmed or runs its course with several of the Western doctors in the Congo at the time succumbing to the virus.  It is thought that the Ebola virus is transmitted through an exchange of bodily fluids between people and people are first infected with the virus by eating so called "bush meat," such as bats and monkeys.  (Monkeys are also thought to have infected humans with the AIDS virus, or, HIV through someone being bitten by a monkey at some point in time.  AIDS or HIV is also spread through direct, bodily fluid contact, but unlike Ebola: does not survive in open air).

During the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus, news reports are stating that the Ebola virus could mutate into an airborne contraction of the virus akin to the flu: if the epidemic in West Africa is not stemmed.  (The CDC admits that Ebola might be airborne on October 14, 2014).  As of October, 2014, approximately 9,000 people in West Africa are dead of the Ebola virus and two confirmed cases of Ebola are contracted by health professionals outside of West Africa: a nurse in Madrid, Spain, whose husband is quarantined and whose dog named "Excaliber" is euthanised, and a nurse in Dallas, TX, USA, whose husband and dog are quarantined while authorities burn all of their possessions and vacate their neighbours from adjacent domiciles.  There are other suspected cases in the USA at regional hospitals, such as at Mt. Sinai in New York City and Maine Medical Centre in Portland, ME, but tests prove Ebola virus is not detected in those cases.

Also, at least six Med Sans Frontier doctors in West Africa contract the disease and are life flighted in a specially equipped plane from West Africa to Atlanta, Nebraska and on October 13, 2014: a German doctor is life flighted to Germany for treatment of Ebola.  The German doctor dies of Ebola in Germany on October 14, 2014.

Further, it is thought that the first case of Ebola during 2014 is in Sierra Leone by one individual who then transmits the virus through bodily contact with a relative who then contracts the virus and Ebola spread.  The entire country of Sierra Leone is put on lockdown while health workers go from house to house searching for Ebola victims so that the victims can be isolated immediately.  Concerns are that people touch one another, fawn over sick or dying family members and then contract the virus themselves through bodily fluid contact, such as sweat.  A lot of mistrust towards governments and health workers in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea at first is shifting to heeding the calls of best health protective measures by, for instance, thumping a chest when saying hello instead of shaking hands.

Lastly, news of Ebola is causing widespread panic in the USA and elsewhere as people do not understand what the virus is and there are no definitive explanations of what Ebola is and is not other than it is deadly.  Best advice: don't mention the word Ebola (not even a joke) on a plane, in a school or anywhere people might misconstrue what is said and then HazMat is called!  

One wonders if Ebola is the "end all" of the human race in that nature is taking its course to restore natural habitats that are depleted by humans in that there is less than 40% left of the world's wild lands or natural habitats without influence of humans (a statistic which mirrors the extinction of the dinosaur on the earth in that the earth could not support the populous dinosaurs).  So, nature runs its course through releasing a virus like Ebola out of earth's elements coupled with depleted food sources and natural habitats.  Thus, extinction, or, the threat of it!


I guess that I really am a "humbugger."  It dawned on me from what people say to me that nobody can stand being around me.  I don't know how my wife puts up with me, if nobody else does.  And, a lot of the time: my wife doesn't put up with me!  This phenome seems to recur all the time in my life: where I find other people cannot stand being around me.  The guy from the next door house out back used to call me "Mr. Annoying Man."  I overheard another neighbor say to someone else do not have anything to do with me, I'll make their lives a living hell.  Other people have said that I am difficult or eccentric, hyperverbal and even hologramic, like a Robin Williams.  Other opinions are that I am a hard person to get to know, but once you get to know me: I am a good person to know.  One recent person that I met said that I am hard to listen to.  Never minding all the epithets that I have been called in my life by people near and far ...  Not to mention a diagnosis of SZ!  A doctor said to me recently that a lot of people in the community have misjudged me.  I am not sure what to believe or what the solution is so that I don't burn all proverbial bridges with people and continue to try and grow within the world of life by being employed and biting my tongue more often.

Short Life History of JBS:

The large, open-spaced house is nestled on a lush hillside off Spur Loop Road with a westerly overlook onto the Atlantic Ocean in the tropical city of Freetown, Sierra Leone.  Spur Loop Road is a road which circles a ridge of a hillside replete with cinder block houses and corrugated roof tops so that when it rains during monsoon seasons, the patter of rain is thunderous on roofs of houses.

The doctor who stitches my forehead when I fall head first onto cement from the top of washing my mother's Renault 4 automobile lives a half mile down the road.  The doctor is the same doctor who administers seven rabies shots in my stomach when I am bit by another neighbour's dog.  During the seventh rabies shot, the doctor releases hold of the syringe with needle in my gut and I stop screaming at the pain, bewildered.  Rabies shots hurt.  Doctors, lawyers, wealthy business people, government officials, etc. live in the Spur Loop Road neighbourhood.

One evening, on a Sunday night, after having spent a weekend out of the city at Tokeh Beach where I learn to steer the Renault 4 down sand tracks sitting on my mother's lap, my mother, father, brother and myself are sitting on the large veranda of the Spur Loop House playing board games when my dad is alert to a red and white, Coca-Cola box truck which is parked a short distance from the front gate up the driveway.

Sensing commotion, I venture up the driveway to the gate and peer into the culvert street where my dad is wielding a baseball bat banging on the box truck and yelling for my mother to call a friend and tell the friend to bring a gun.  My dad turns to see me at the gate and yells for to go inside the house, which I do but not before I glimpse the back of the box truck open and some ten to fifteen African men clamber out of the truck scurrying from my dad into bushes.

I wonder at the time how my dad knows the box truck is an ambush plot orchestrated by the gate watchman whom my dad employs, but now I see that it is obvious to anybody who can calculate many variations of any situation or circumstance from experience.  For one thing: it is unusual for a Coca-Cola box truck to be parked in front of the Spur Loop gate on a Sunday evening and not to have the watchman notify anybody in the house of it.  Either way: we survive possible mutilation, thanks to my dad's irate temper while wielding a baseball bat!

Africa is very beautiful.  "Ah!  But, Your Land is Beautiful," as Alan Paton's book is titled.  I am born in Lubumbashi, Zaïre, live in Freetown, Sierra Leone until 8 years old when I pack for English boarding school in Bracknell, Berkshire until I am 10 years old.  At ten years old, I fly to New York City from London, UK where I am greeted by my dad and brother at JFK airpot for a crowded subway ride into Manhattan on the afternoon of a rained out Diana Ross concert at which people riot.

At 15 years old, I pack for prep school in Massachusetts leaving NYC and at 17 years old: I find myself in Atlanta finishing high school at a public school because I am kicked out of prep school for drinking.  I apply to one university, San Francisco State University, leave Georgia and drive a pick up truck across the country to San Francisco meeting with a friend from grade school on his way to Washington State.

I live in SF for one year and a half until December 1993 when I drive with a futon in the back of my truck to Idaho where I meet my family over Christmas.  I sleep in the back of the truck on a futon in ten below temperatures.  I drop off the truck at an uncle's house in Arkansas driving across the country from Idaho with my dad, my second time driving across the country.  Leaving the truck in Arkansas, I fly to Gaborone, Botswana where I stay with my parents for six months until May 1994.

By June 1994, I am in Maine for a brief two weeks and on the road to North Carolina where I stay at a beach town sleeping in my truck.  I drive to Georgia where I visit with family and then across the country for the third time where I sleep a night at James Canyon, New Mexico, which is at a ten thousand foot elevation up a steep, mountainous road.

Long story short, I live out of a truck with a futon for three years in Bellingham, Washington where I catch up with the grade school friend whom I meet in Chicago my driving from Atlanta heading west to San Francisco.  In 1997, I move to Maine.

All told: I drive across the country eight times and visit Africa and Europe countless times over my life until 27 years old when I move to where I live now in Portland, Maine.  I live out of a bag for the first twenty-seven years of my life and call home is where you hang yourself now.  I seldom leave the house and do not like to with an anxiety off the rector scale about being stopped by police forty-five times in Maine.  I would not board a plane or travel further than within northern New England as to say if I board a plane: they'll reroute it to Bangor!  My primary wish for my life is to die never having been a convicted criminal.  In a world where "all cops are criminals and sinners saints," it is very easy to be falsely accused and such instances happen to me in regards to authority at about the same frequency as racially profiled people.

I don't know why people are scared of me that they think that they have to call police on me, but they call.  It is kind of like my "hurry up and wait" bumper sticker: I think that it incites road rage directed at me where some other drivers honk when behind me and flip the finger at me while crossing the double yellow to go around me when I am trying to parallel park.  If I parallel park with signals while someone crosses the double yellow to go around me parallel parking and I ding their vehicle, it is not my fault: the other driver crosses the double yellow.  Sometimes, I think that I am born just to be the cause of everyone's problems or that I live my whole life just for someone to invade my rented apartment, beat me up and have police tell me "don't call us anymore!"  Anyway, that is the most of what my short history consists without ranting, I hope!

Suing the American Psychiatric Association:

I am looking for an attorney to help me sue the American Psychiatric Association for the culture of stigma that exists in communities, media and the public's perspective against a diagnosed person when a person is diagnosed with a major mental illness diagnosis out of the DSM IV.

I have extensive personal evidence and records of stigma against me in my community as a mental ill diagnosed person as well as a quick search on the Internet will result in many applicable and evident documentation of stigma, including renowned psychiatrist Dr. E. Fuller Torrey's quote of "schizophrenia is the modern day equivalent of leprosy."

As no person is autonomous in this world and it takes two to tango, I can document verbal and physical stigma against me on the part of police in the community wherein I live, mental health staff at clinics to which I have had appointments, family, so called friends and strangers resulting in a degenerative well being for me: such as excessive suicide ideation and a suicide attempt in 2008 for which I was hospitalised for the eighth time in my life.


Of all the ways that I have tried to communicate ideas, plans, experiences, life events, etc. or try to communicate about those things are always met by devil's advocate rebuttals and retorts that end in people hanging me out to dry.

I have no way of expressing anything utilising the English language, much less to a lot of people with a tongue in cheek, lexicon repertoire in utilising the English language to communicate my thoughts.

I find that I cannot communicate verbally with a lot of people due to the fact that most in this community are the kind that if I look at someone funny: they are liable to beat me up.  The world is full of con men and narcs who call the police over nothing.

I am tired of my situation and need a change.  I need somebody to whom I can communicate through talking in English.  Sometimes, I will say a word another person doesn't understand and the person will have a perplexed look as if they don't understand what I just communicated, but the person will not interject and ask what a word means in constructs of English language to express thoughts and ideas.

Fed Up:

The next door house is hosting a loud, underage party singing Happy birthday to the nation on the night of the 4th, 2014 and set off fireworks amidst tinder box houses all built circa 1910 with dry timber all up inside the erections at caterwauling teeny-boppers being prompted to "drink, drink, drink."

I managed to drown out the noise with my 10,000 BTUs.

They are the same neighbours from out west who move here, have no idea and accuse me who has been living here for thirteen years of ransacking change out of their vehicles.

What I don't understand about the time that everybody's tire is slashed is why the tire slashers didn't slash two or all four tires on all the vehicles and rip apart the windshield wipers too with a key swipe across the paint jobs on the vehicles that night!?!  (I guess that they didn't think of it!)

Not the first time that I am accused and it is a plethora of times that I am accused from everything like stealing heat living above another apartment when I explain "heat rises" to a list too long to list here without it reading like a rant.

All I know is that if I even "squeak" my chair or speak an octave higher than a whisper, the police will be knocking at the door because someone calls them on me: much more if I am to host an underage, drinking party keeping the neighbourhood awake with fire crackers and "drink, drink, drink" chants...

The news that "general assistance"...

The news that "general assistance" (food, water, clothing, shelter and refuge from elements of society and environment) will be denied anyone, anywhere is further proof that people involved in pursuing such an agenda are "xenophobic" and most likely do not know what xenophobia is and of what it is a product, as in to determine psychologically what a person's motive is in denying people (not to mention, animals) basic life support in a society of the "plenty greedy."

I'd have to diagnose the officials who legislated the agenda of denying "general assistance" are guilty of at least several cognates according to the "Seven Deadly Sins." Yet, they that institute such a measure attend church for TV cameras, it seems.

I was homeless for three years living out of a truck in Washington State, locking myself in a library twelve hours per day and attending the local churches' suppers: at least five suppers per week at different churches.The closest thing to a church supper by church ladies for the homeless in Maine and in New England and in a lot of places is a liver and peas brunch.

The Maine delegation to cut off general assistance to approx. 1,000 people saving $1 million / year while the same delegates pay $1 million for a 6-month plagiarism study on welfare fraud in Maine is akin to throwing acid into a pool because of racism, xenophobia, bigotry, etc.

America is a land of "plenty greedy people" when multi-billion dollar corporations are offered incentives and essentially, kickbacks in off shore accounts and other tax incentives while outside CEO headquarters: a homeless man/woman/child is told to move along because he is holding a sign trying to make a buck.

Three Ideas for Employment:

Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship: whereby I visit retirement centres and a hospital ward with my trained pet therapy dog, except that I need non-profit sponsorship so as to issue receipts for contributions to help pay for the dog's vet and food and any emergency, even though he is insured at the time of certification.  Non-profits will not sponsor my dog and me as 1099 workers so that I can issue receipts and apply for city grants, about which I investigated further with the city over the phone.

I call the city to negotiate a $10/hr. job picking up trash around different neighbourhoods in the city as there is a lot of trash collecting to do.  I explain that I pick up trash around the city on my own time. The city said no to the job and sent $100,000 worth of equipment to the street in question the next day to sweep the street.  Trash is still collected along the bushes of the street and it would have cost the city less than $100 for me to pick it all up.

I call the city clerk's office to inquire as to whether it would be OK if I dress as a clown and hold a sign that reads: "Jokes $1: Books $10."  The city clerk says to me over the phone that I can dress as a clown and sell self published books on the street, just that I cannot sell "Mark Twain" books: that I am protected under the First Amendment.  I am stopped by police within five minutes standing on a curb honking my horn at passing traffic hoping for a handout.  Across the street is a man with a "homeless: no drugs" sign.  The police tell me to move along snapping a photo of me, but they don't say anything to the man across the street.

Portland, Maine - Life is Here:

New England is the Capital of Assholes, imo:

I have been living in Maine for seventeen years and I have made maybe one friend who has never conned me or ridiculed me of something outside of my wife.

I have given much to this community and nobody returns the favour, except my wife and one friend. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike and never is there a return. I have volunteered at various non-profits. I have worked for eight years at a U here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost everyday and I am always treated like shit without even a hello, how are you today ever when the baristas treat others with light banter. Just a "what can I get you?"

Wherever I go: people call police on me and have called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, chicken, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically nuts, zero credibility, I'll kill you, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm.

The above listed are all names that I have been called since living in Maine on top of being stopped by police forty different times since January 1998.

The name calling and one or two beatings for which nothing was done except to me being hospitalised. The pain in my rib nags everyday since July 4, 2001 upon a home invasion and it is now 2014.


New England is the epitome of great people: imo

have been living in New England for many years and I have made many friends who never conned me or ridiculed me of something including of my wife.

I have given much to this community and everybody returns the favour, including my wife and many friends. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike and usually there is a return. I have volunteered at various non-profits. I have worked for eight years at a U here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost everyday and I am always treated like a friend with a hello, how are you today when the baristas treat others with light banter. Just a "what can I get you, valued customer and friend?"

Wherever I go: people never call police on me and have never called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, chicken, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically nuts, zero credibility, I'll kill you, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm. Never, not once.

If it weren't for the nagging pain in my ribs from a common household accident on July 4, 2001 life here would be GREAT!


New England is the Suburb of Gookballs, imo:

I have been living in Rhode Island for thirty-seven years and I have made maybe one friend who has never conned or raped me of something outside of my daughter.

I have given nothing to this community and nobody returns books to the library, except my wife and one friend, Duffless. I have gifted strangers and acquaintance alike with photos of penises and never is there an arrest. I have volunteered at various abortion clinics. I have worked for eight years at a Welding School for Retards here.

I go to a coffee shop for fifteen years almost every year and I am always treated like Hitler without even a hello, how are you today ever when the baristas treat others with enormous cleavage shots. Just a "what can I get you, kikeface?"

Wherever I go: people call police on me because they think I'm black and have called me a number of names from pathetic, crazy, great courageous person, schizoid, asshole, motherfucker, faggot, teatsucker, basically extremely competent, 100% credibility, I'll invite you into my home, alkie who spills his drinks with a guy named Sherm.

The above listed are all names that I have been called since living in Delaware on top of being stopped by hassidic jews forty different times since January 1998, to haggle over corned beef.

The name calling and one or two beatings for which nothing was done except to me being hospitalized. I was hoping to be invited to the White House for a formal apology from President Reagan. The pain in my rib nags everyday since July 4, 1968 upon the Tet Offensive and it is now 1984.

NPR Story 4/6/14

While listening to NPR's "Rape on Campus" story on April 6, 2014, it occurs to me out of my experience at elite schools that rapes and other vile, hazing behaviours are often unpunished in ivy league environments such as Amherst or the Groton School (i.e. Zeke Hawkins circa 1998) because the coterie code of conduct at such institutions seemingly fosters and condones such vile behaviours among elite (as in wealthy) student bodies: as the "Rape on Campus" story suggests in that the victim is denied counsel for her issue and told instead that "men will be men."

Fukuoka Disease

The Fukuoka disease is a disease to which Opfo users are susceptible.  The disease originates in the Prefecture of Fukuoka and manifests when an Opfo user chooses "Fukuoka" as a location, which abbreviates to "fuk" in the Opfo forum posts.

The Fukuoka disease is akin to the Wichita Falls Syndrome in that the abbreviation for Wichita Falls is "wtf," or else: "what the fuck," whereas "fuk" simulates "fuck" in location abbreviation for a post on Opfo.

So, upon explaining the Fukuoka disease as what happens to be an amazon woman psychiatrist on November 15, 2011 after people are calling my doctor who is out of town: the substitute amazon woman psychiatrist asks me all about the Fukuokas and I tell her about how the Fukuokas are akin to the Tapiocas out of Long Island and while I am seated on the four seater couch in the clinic office with a doctor and nurse, I tell them Obie One sits on side along with the Tapiocas, Fukuokas and myself who is schizophrenic.

More than that: I explain the good of the Fukuokas in staving off homeless people from bumming a cigarette on the street, how homeless people bumming a cigarette run off saying "my head ain't screwed on right" forgetting about a cigarette when I tell a bummer about the Fukuokas.

The amazon woman psychiatrist uncrosses her legs in her business skirt and suit. I see her turquoise underwear amidst pubic hair, which I believe that she does not shave on purpose.  The amazon woman doctor asks the fat nurse to leave the office and close the door behind her.

"But, why doctor?  I want some of his action too."

"Really?  But I don't like fat nurses.  Doctor?  Can you give me a blow job and fuck me silly?"

"Yes, indeed!  ... Out nurse ... this is a patient-doctor meeting now."

"I'll get your cock yet, mister," the nurse states leaving the office and closing the door.

The six foot, amazon doctor slips out of her navy blue skirt revealing stockings to her crevices and garters holding stockings to her hilt.  She straddles me on the four seater couch and pulls aside her turquoise coloured panties.  I grab on to her firm buttocks and thighs, rubbing.

My cock is hard fucking a doctor for two seconds that I last on the couch and I cum inside of her pussy impregnating her through my "stork" fantasies, as I find out later when DHHS contacts me with a bill for child support.

The Jimmy Two Heads Paradise:

"Well, he's mentally ill.  Why would you have any thing to do with him?"

- a quoted statement by two different people in my life about me to two different girlfriends of mine at different times over dinner -

One girlfriend runs out into the night crying and saying "there's nothing wrong with him."

Another girlfriend thinks it rude that it is mentioned at the dinner table and I fuck her silly a few more times until I move on to the next girlfriends.

So, I am at the nurse appointment after a medical test some years later and the nurse asks:

"How many partners have you been with?"

"I don't know: hundreds?"

"We only go up to 50+."

"OK. 50+. Will that include you, nurse?"

"Why yes: your mentally ill aura is too much for me to withstand."

"Bend over the desk and turn on some porn, nurse. It's time for my sponge bath!"

"Gladly!  They don't call you 'Jimmy Two Heads' for nothin'!" nurse Hatchet exclaims in a delightful whinny tone of voice while pulling up her white, nurse skirt and bending over the desk when the doctor enters the exam office.

"Nurse Hatchet!  What are you doing!? Umm ... Umm ... Never mind ... I see now," the 27 year old resident doctor states as her eyes wander across my manliness with pants around my ankles.

The six-foot-woman-doctor removes her khakis and white panties with pink polka dots on lace hems to her ankles bending over the desk along side Nurse Hatchet and I comply with medical orders sticking my clean, cut, experienced, penis head into each of the specimen's four orifices from behind them.

Cream of some young guy splatters the faces of the specimens hungry for more filled orifices, kneeling and swapping spit-cum when I am done with them after about two strokes per orifice.

I see a urologist who snips my seminal vesicle which feels like chilies passing from the day before so that Nurse Hatchet and the doctor's whose name I don't catch become pregnant in a fluke 2% chance that my seminal vesicle grows back, which it does.

So: I have two rug rats running around Nurse Hatchet and the six foot woman doctor's ankles playing "beep-beep' with matchbox cars on floors in Belize where there are tropical breezes and snorkel expeditions up vaginal shaped canals with either or both of my partners and other specimens of female persuasion who long for "Jimmy Two Heads."

Assessing Self-Esteem:

I think about killing myself every waking hour, several times per hour.  I experience suicide ideation whereby I imagine myself in any number of suicidal situations or plans.  One suicidal ideation thought that frequently crosses my mind as of the last few years is to "just go out under the bridge over 95 where the homeless people shit and slit your throat."

I determine that I experience suicidal ideation thoughts first when ten years old upon moving to New York City from overseas.  I stand at the window when ten years old and think about plummeting twenty stories to the below concrete.  I am in my forties now and still experience suicide ideation thoughts.  I attempt suicide when I am 35 years old by hanging myself with a rope, but even then I am not successful at suicide and: in my mind with low self esteem, not successful at anything in life.

I feel like I am a failure and embarrassment to myself, my family, people whom I meet and to people in the general community.  I am unable to secure employment or seemingly to make ends meet to earn money in spite of a zero point, zero parking ticket driver's license, clean background check and a command of the english language in written form while others are felons, con people or illiterate and yet are able to secure employment and/or garner an income.

Since working at a university and as a super of a building for eight years and quitting after attempting suicide by hanging myself, I don't see how it is fair for my "Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship," non-profit solicitation idea would engender my call being routed to the Attorney General of the State wherein I live while there are legal marketing groups who solicit everything from end of life insurance to supposedly legal charities which are bogus in that the groups pay points on solicitations considerably diminishing the contributions.

While my two successive dogs since 1997 and myself perform about 200 visits as of 2014 to retirement facilities and hospital children wards under the auspices of "Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship," my dogs and me solicit contributions in the community and online to help pay for running costs of visits.  But, good luck to me in parting people from their money for "Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship" with commentary as "what are you doing that for?" or "get a real job" or "well, you'd never do that with my dog."

Further, I am told by a State representative that I am not allowed to establish a non-profit such as Peer Support w/ Therapy Dog & Sponsorship.  So, I stop visiting other people's parents and grandparents that other people don't visit at retirement facilities.

I try a clown gigging idea along with self published books.  On the day of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013, someone calls police on me while I am dressed in a clown outfit drinking a soda pop from a brown paper bag.  Person says to me that I would be easy to find.  By being a clown, I learn that a typical caucasian male is likely to beat a person dressed as a clown and a hispanic male is likely to tip a clown.  So, I stop dressing as a clown with a sign selling self published books.

Now, I apply to anything and everything with my résumé on job sites to no avail.  All I ask is a position at about 63 hours/month paying $760/month.  No one acknowledges my efforts and I am unable to even interview for positions with no networking skills in spite of living in this community with permanence.  I don't know anyone who is willing to employ me at 12$/hr. for any hours.

Thus, with a rib contusion from where I am punched during a home invasion during 2001: labor is uncomfortable for me rendering painful spasms in my left ribs for which I am diagnosed four times with x-rays.  Yet, the people who perform the home invasion during which I am beat down are all successful bankers and lawyers now.

I feel like I am put down more often than not by various people in my life due to my diagnosis of "schizophrenia" whereby I wake up everyday with the thought: "oh god! not another day with schizophrenia."  I feel like I am stigmatised by anybody and everybody who has a mind to know my diagnosis because of "schizophrenia" and the word's connotations in the public's eye as broadcast in media that people with "schizophrenia" are "a criminal element."

There are exceptions, yet I feel miserable about my life and capabilities with low self esteem and a supposedly "mentally ill" mind, which causes good for nothing, basically nuts, crazy, teat sucker, mother fucker, chicken, schizo, asshole, zero credibility, pathetic and alkie who swills drinks with sperm comments directed at me by just about anybody in my life so that I believe the commentary and the commentary is a part of how I think about myself today.

In other words, I feel "put down by the world" time and time again and when I try to stand up, I am quickly put down by someone simply flipping a finger at me for parallel parking while they cross the double yellow around my vehicle to my thinking "I live my whole life just for this moment when someone flips the finger at me trying to parallel park," mirable dictu ad infinitum.

I hope for change in my thinking and the right to pursue happiness and thereby feel happy, but I feel that it is out of reach in regards to the nature of my life in the community wherein I live without capability to secure employment or develop some income generating idea.  I feel that "I am losing the battle" for life and the only time I feel at ease is when I sleep.

Yet, there is no help from anyone for my condition in spite of keeping health professional appointments since 1996.  No matter the medication or therapy, I still deal with suicidal ideation thoughts on a daily basis and I deal with them since 1984.  My two pets are the major reason I don't succumb to suicide ideation thoughts and act the thoughts out.  If I am able to secure employment at a living wage, I think that my thoughts can remedy in terms of the suicide ideation thoughts by being able to practice cognitive behavioral therapy more readily and having a purpose to each day of earning money at something I like doing as a job. 

Diagnoses and Prescribed Medicines:

1. malaria
2. epilepsy
3. schizophrenia
4. schizoaffective
5. bi-polar
6. tuberculosis
7. dipsomania
8. polydipsia
9. hyponaetremia
10. COPD
11. high blood pressure
12. vitamin D deficiency
13. inflamed lymph nodes
14. flu
15. addiction (tobacco)
16. suicidal ideation
17. stigma
18. rib contusion
19. sprained ankles
20. poison ivy
21. head trauma (scarred)
22. tardive dyskenisia

Thinking Things:


"Just go under the bridge over 95 where the homeless people shit and slit your throat."

"Just kill yourself, now."

"Nobody wants you around anyway."

"Nobody likes me."

"Maybe I should just kill myself."

"Hang yourself.  Find a tree limb and go out and hang yourself so nobody can save your life."

"Everybody wants me dead."

"I'm a good for nothing schizoid."

"I am a pathetic, crazy, teat sucker, asshole, mother fucker, piece of shit, chicken, schizoid who hears voices, alkie who swills his drinks with sperm."

and so forth ... which I want to supplant with thinking along these lines ...


"I have the love of my dog, cat and wife."

"I love myself and cat, dog, wife."

"I am a good person."

"I am kind hearted."

"I like life."

"The world can be beautiful."

"Focus on the good of things."

"I have a lot to live for."

"I am enjoying myself and am never bored."

"I am eager to be out and about working around my community."

"In general, I like people, places and things and have an open mind."

"I respect myself and others."

"There are many more people in worse condition than me.  I should practice empathy and enlightenment of my condition in the world relative to others."

... and so forth.

Ratio'ed Environmental and Psychological Triggers:

For 21 years as of 2014, I have suicide ideation everyday since my first of nine schizophrenia related hospitalisations: three hospitalisations during the fall of 2002.  I think that my suicide ideation is triggered by my thinking of the word "schizophrenia," as in "oh god! not another day with schizophrenia" every day upon waking.

When I think of the words "schizophrenia" or "mental illness," it conjures thoughts of stigma that surround the term: stigma of which I believe am victim.  I think that in general, the public is disgusted by the term "schizophrenia" and people who are diagnosed with it, which renders me with a sickly feeling of flu like symptoms due to seeming, irreconcilable differences in the community where I live.

Inter relations with people are sometimes difficult for me because I perceive people to kick me in the knee if I have a bum knee the way I perceive people to stigmatise me because of my status in the community as a consumer with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia."

So, I need a brainstorming model for thinking "outside of the box" considering a "world view" of people, places and things.  I need to be able to account for the fact that life is good for me marrying last year to a long time girl friend, a warm place to sleep and two loving pets while others are in much more dire straits.  I need to act without expecting.

I try "getting away" from the whole "schizophrenia" dialogue in my mind by seeking work only to have doors close and I try "embracing" schizophrenia by writing about it in blogs which I publish into books.  It is like "schizophrenia gets me down and won't let me back up" with stigma that surrounds the label in media and, as a result, in communities among people who know me and don't know me.

I don't think it far fetched that when the landlord coops chickens in the back yard, kids in the neighbourhood where I live cluck like a chicken when I am around different parts of town due to famed, local journalism about me in a weekly newspaper as to founding a radio theatre group circa 2000 to 2001.  Yet, when I explain my suspicion to various health professionals and others including family that I am being ostracised in the community: I am told that "it is all in your head."

I lose my "voice" to schizophrenia and have only begun to regain my "voice" as of the last two years by writing about experiences and thoughts on different subjects.  I consider myself as trying to follow the "Socratic" teaching of not being offensive to people and exemplifying etiquette inter relationally, yet I lapse in composure when at odds with someone who is apparently "out there and not there to help."

So, concerning suicide ideation: I think that I have identified the cause of it by citing internal thinking triggers and triggers in my environment.  Now, I need ways of coping with the "elephant in my head" (namely, the word: "schizophrenia") and move on in progressing days of my experiences and "thinking" at forty years old.

Is there or are there solutions to the mere word "schizophrenia" incurring "suicide ideation" in me and are there solutions to coping with others in a location where I haven't the best of luck with run-ins where I live between myself and others?  Is there a way of keeping from being angry over memories of past, negative experiences surrounding what I think is because of "schizophrenia," which also triggers "suicide ideation" in me?

Stigma at Odds:

I work at a university for eight years and I am allowed to bring my trained, pet therapy dog with me to work for the first seven years until my supervisor tells me that I have to see the ombudsman for permission to bring my dog to work with me.

I walk across campus on a Friday during the latter part of winter in 2007 to the ombudsman's office.  I step into the ombudsman's office from the cold and await to be called for a meeting while the ombudsman immediately receives me stepping into the waiting room calling me into a back office.

Sitting at a table across from the ombudsman, the ombudsman begins to ask questions as to why I need to bring a dog to work.

"Because I am schizophrenic and everybody is scared of that!"

"How long have you been schizophrenic?"

I stand up like a bolt.  I say that I am leaving.

"Oh!  You can't just come in here ..."

"What!?  Am I in trouble?"

"No.  You are not in trouble."

"Then, I am leaving."

I leave the ombudsman's office at the first question, which triggers suicide ideation in me due to perceived stigma because of my diagnosis.  A year later during May 2008: after random people in the university system are posting signs on my office door that dogs are not allowed, I hang myself with a rope at home.  However, my then girlfriend saves my life with help of a carpenter who is working on a lower floor at the house.

When I am released from the psyche ward after two weeks, I go to the supervisor who sends me to the ombudsman during 2007 and quit.  Before quitting on June 11, 2008, I ascend the elevator to the President's office where my supervisor's supervisor has an office.

I tell the supervisor's supervisor that when the ombudsman asks me "how long have you been schizophrenic" during 2007 because I bring a pet therapy dog to campus (a pet therapy dog with a history of providing comfort to retirement facility residents as well as admitted, hospital children), I have a good mind to ask the ombudsman "how long have you been black?"

Needless to say, I quit the next day on June 11, 2008 from a $12.64/hr job after eight years starting at $9.89/hr on June 12, 2000.

The ombudsman is not the only experience for me at the university involving stigma due to my diagnosis.  During the first two weeks of my employment at the university, two supervisory co-workers invite me to a baseball game at a stadium nearby campus to which we walk.

At the baseball game on the clock during the latter part of June 2000 after two weeks at the university job, the two supervisory co-workers return to bleacher seats where we are seated with hot dogs and one of them says "he's crazy," assumedly referring to me who can't sit in the sun because of adverse reactions from a medication that I am prescribed.

People at seats below where I am seated are turning around and speaking in gestures seemingly about me saying:

"Do you see any friends here?  I don't see any friends here."

I assume the comment refers to my one time letter to an editor at a newspaper about animal trapping whereby I begin my letter with "my friends of Maine, my heart palpitates," calling for an end to trapping in Maine because my dog is caught in a trap not five minutes into woods.

I commute from two hours north of the university during the summer of 2000 due to stigma seemingly directed at me by not only co-workers and supervisors, but by street urchins, strangers and others who see me around town on my bike with my dog in a basket on the back of the bike.

People say things out of thin air around town when I am present like "go back to Kansas" and "Dorothy" in reference to a commercial radio station advertising an event at the time of Pink Floyd music mirroring the Wizard of Oz movie.

To sum up: if there is one thing that angers me more than anything else, it is people who would assume to know about another person yet do not know themselves and so stigmatise those who appear or are in a compromised position or status in life.

I accept that people judge others based on everything from appearance, hearsay and actions, but what people in general fail to do is question their judgements and actions regarding minding one's own business.  My motto at the university during my probationary, first year on the job is "say nothing, do nothing, keep your nose in your own papers, respond only and do what you are told on the double."

After the first year of probation, my eventual supervisor before the office is disbanded during June 2001 says to me in the office that "you have this down to a science, don't you Jim?"  It is a year of living by my motto at the university before I am able to communicate that "sane" people ain't all that!

I keep the university job for eight years to the day and quit because I hang myself fed up with irreconcilable differences between myself and other people in my life due to my diagnosis of schizophrenia and the stigma it incurs.

Like I tell the ombudsman: "because people are scared of that," as if for the general public the word "schizophrenia" does not conjure scenes of axe murderers pillaging everybody in sight.  Am I talking out of my ass as to how long the ombudsman has been "black" compared to the question of "how long have you been schizophrenic?"

Wutz more iz i be quite da mental kase.

Gimme a job and sum of da good stuff like lithium. 'Twill kill my ragin' psychosis and mehbe I stop with da eatin' of doze lead paint chipz!

“The modern-day equivalent of leprosy” is how renowned research psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., refers to schizophrenia.

Aside from ignorance, images of the aggressive, sadistic “schizophrenic” are plentiful in the media.

Auditory hallucinations may seem extraordinarily different but how often have you had a song stuck in your head that you can hear pretty clearly?

So it’s bad enough that people with schizophrenia are afflicted with a terrible disease. But they also have to deal with the confusion, fear and disgust of others.

Part of the reason that schizophrenia is so mysterious is because we’re unable to put ourselves in the shoes of someone with the disorder. It’s simply hard to imagine what having schizophrenia would be like.

People with schizophrenia more often tend to be victims rather than perpetrators of violence.

Along with genetics, research has shown that stress and family environment can play a big role in increasing a person’s susceptibility to psychosis.

Antipsychotic medications effectively reduce hallucinations, delusions, confusing thoughts and bizarre behaviors. These agents can have severe side effects and can be fatal, but this is rare.

Unlike dementia, which worsens over time or doesn’t improve, schizophrenia seems to be a problem that’s reversible.

Sticking It:

"What about that needle in your pocket?"

"Needle?  What needle?  You mean like a syringe?"

The doctor nods.

"I don't have a needle in my pocket."

"OK.  You can go back on the ward," the doctor says closing a binder in front of him on a desk in a room off a ward hallway.

Richard stands up, opens the office door, walks down the hallway and enters a common room where other patients are seated in all of the cushioned seats while the TV murmurs approved watching.

He stands between the nurse station desk and the lounge area where all the other patients are seated without a seat available for himself and he notices one patient sit at a table alone with one chair pulled up to the table, slumped: head and shoulders on the table while seated.

(She had been out on a day pass the same day as Richard and they had flirted in the gymnasium of the hospital on break from treatment the previous week, while staff observed.  They had stretched on a basket ball court in the gymnasium while other patients shoot hoops).

"Wake up, Jen!" a nurse chimes from the nurse station desk.

"But, I told you.  I didn't do it," Jen says perking up off of the table on which she is slumped.

"Yes, you did.  Look at you!  You are here two more days and then going with them."

"No.  I told you.  Someone must've slipped the needle in my pocket."

"Then, why are you like that?"

Richard retreats to his room.  He leaves the florescent-lit, common room passing the office in a hallway on the ward where he had been interviewed by the weekend doctor upon reentering after a day pass: the same day that Jen takes for a pass and is back on the ward before Richard.

A Pane Less Clamour

The restaurant kitchen bustles with wait staff scraping plates into a waste bucket at the kitchen entrance to the dining room.  Staff retrieve prepared dishes from the cooks' line about shoulder high placed under heat lamps on a silver metallic shelf while three cooks tend to stoves, ovens and grills preparing food to place on the line under heat lamps for wait staff to collect.

Florescent lighting overhead illumines the kitchen.

Staff serve dishes entering and exiting the kitchen into a chitter chatter filled dining room, as seen by a new dishwasher to the restaurant at his station peering through a square, pane-less window in a wall beside the dish machine: opposite to the cooks' line in a square room.

Not five minutes into his second shift at the restaurant as a dishwasher and at the beginning of a dinner shift around 5PM, the new dishwasher follows some wait staff and other kitchen staff who had started shifts hours earlier out of the back door by the cooks' line to smoke cigarettes.

"Five minutes into your shift and you're already going for a smoke?" a cook who had stepped out with the group of five smokers asks the dishwasher.

"Yep.  Well, there are no dishes."

"Yuck!  Those are some nasty feet.  Do you ever clip your toe nails?" a waitress outside smoking asks.

"That's probably why I don't have a girlfriend."

"You wear sandals to work!?" another of the kitchen staff asks the dishwasher.

"Yeah.  Why not?"

"Look!  I have a pen with the name of a schizophrenia drug on it," the waitress who comments on the dishwasher's sandals says as she pulls a pen from her apron and passes it around to the others.

It is passed to the dishwasher who is known to have been diagnosed "schizophrenia" by random people around town due to previous mishaps which resulted in stigmatic insults and assaults on the dishwasher.

At least, the dishwasher assumes that the waitress knows that he, the dishwasher, is diagnosed with schizophrenia from gossip as he is passed the pen with the name of the drug "Zyprexa" on it.

"Richard?  I want you to come in here," the manager of the restaurant calls to the dishwasher from the screen door to the back entrance of the kitchen and then disappears into the kitchen again.

Richard rises from a stool and goes inside stubbing his roll your own cigarette into a coffee can for butts outside.

Inside, Richard stands at the dishwashing station awaiting further instructions and recalls the previous shift's conversation in the kitchen on the previous night.

"He probably never worked in his life," the waitress who passes around the schizophrenia pen had said to the lead cook on the previous night.

"No.  Richard has a job.  He works at the university."

"He does!?"

"Yeah.  Richard?"


"Don't you work at the university?"


"What do you do there?"

"I'm a scanner operator."

"See?" the cook had said in retort to the waitress on the previous night after which Richard finished a shift of washing dishes.

Awaiting instruction or dishes with sandals, jeans and wearing a T-shirt, Richard leans against the dish machine with arms folded and legs crossed.  The waitress who had been outside smoking and handing around a pen with the name of a schizophrenia drug approaches Richard by the dish machine with the manager close behind at her heels.

"I'm sorry about what I said out there."

"Hey.  No skin off my back."

The waitress looks dumbfounded to Richard by his response and she shuffles off into the din of the dining room out of the kitchen and the manager approaches Richard who stands at the dish station with his back to the pane-less window frame view into the dining room.

"You can't wear sandals to work.  Here's twenty.  Go home and come back tomorrow."

"Thank you.  I'll be sure to come again," Richard says as he takes the twenty dollar bill and exits through the back door by the cooks' line after twenty minutes into his second shift as a dishwasher at the restaurant.

On the next day at about an hour before the dinner shift for which Richard had been scheduled, Richard phones in to the kitchen sick never to show up again.

"I am 'black,' but comely"

"Racism" is insidious, pervasive and prevalent in the world.

It is built into societal frame works of "popular thought" and almost unavoidable both on personal levels and in cultural environs, no matter if one identifies with perpetuating "racism" or not.

"Racism" exists as a psychological reaction to differences between not only peoples' perceptions of skin colour, but also varies in other perceived differences such as beliefs, handicaps, monetary worth, sexism, etc. ... all of which can be regarded as "stigmas" to societies.

As a result, "racism" is a figment of the imagination manifesting in judgemental actions based upon perceptions.

For example: as a white man in America, I cannot help but think that another person whom I see on a street is "black," if I perceive them with "black" skin.

If I act on what I perceive and say something derogatory about a person's skin colour, the thought manifests in action to what is known as "racism:" just as if I act and say something derogatory about women, it is "sexism;" and, just as if I act and say something derogatory about some peoples' lack of monetary worth, it is "elitism;" etc.

By the same token, a black man likely cannot help but think a person is "white" upon seeing someone who is perceived as "white" on a street along with a profound knowledge that a person has "black" skin due to facts of historic, segregated societies and resulting lack of opportunities because of skin colour.

Basically: "racism" exists because people choose to perpetuate racist "thoughts" in "judgemental actions," the which denigrate those perceived as different in skin colour.

One never knows what another person knows.  Even if a person thinks to know another person or something, yet do they not know that person or thing.

People and life is a bottomless well of knowledge, wisdom and experience from which any one person or mankind can only surmise the surface to understand at any one point in time, with life and lives constantly in a flux of metamorphosis, change and unfolding.

Lastly: people have freedom to "think anything," but "acting" on "thoughts" is when "racism" and other "perceived positive and/or negative psychologies" of societies manifest.

"I look forward to the day when humans shall have sloughed off the body and become a vortex of thought." - Harper's Weekly, 1960s

Rev. 22:

[1] And he shewed me a toxic sewer of excrement of humans, vile as cockroach swarms, proceeding out of the grates of streets and of the earth.
[2] In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the sewer, was there the tree of death, which bare thirteen manner of crap, and plugged her crap every month: and the crap of the tree were for the noxiousness of the nations.
[3] And there shall be no more blessing: but the sewage of streets and of the earth shall be in it; and each shall serve themselves:
[4] And they shall see crappy faces; and crappy faces shall be in their foreheads.
[5] And there shall be no day there; and they need no tissue, neither night of the moon; for the cholera giveth them dark: and crap shall reign for ever and ever.

Seven Rabies Shots:

I had seven rabies shots in the stomach as a kid administered by Dr. Bazzi in Freetown.

I was bit by a dog.  I had told my friend not to go up a certain driveway because the dogs bite.

So, I went up the driveway to show him that the dogs bite and I was bit.

By the seventh appointment for the series of rabies shots, Dr. Bazzi was sick of my screaming and let go of the syringe to pick his nose, I guess.

I have a vivid recollection of the long needle in my stomach extended from the syringe wobbling back and forth with my breathing and I stopped screaming for a minute or two.


I used to think of myself as creative with writing, until I didn't sell but one book to my uncle.

I thought that I knew about computers, but all I know is surfing the Internet: even though I type 50 words/minute with 100% accuracy and code at 100% accuracy.

I had three different part time jobs for eight years at a U., as a super and my whole health issue, which requires work keeping frequent, monthly appointments charged to insurance at $369/hr. according to billing.

Then, I hung myself due to seemingly irreconcilable differences even unto this day between myself and a broad spectrum of people in my life: relatives, acquaintances, co-workers to strangers in the community where I live.

Now, I sit at home all day, surf the Internet, pretend to write something of interest to others (but not judging from how many books I've sold), smoke, drink, sleep and eat going out of the house as seldom as possible.

I cannot think of one viable talent that I have which could earn a living wage or if it is possible for me to pry myself away from my pets and writing at home to work at anything else.

A list of jobs that I've been paid to do as of 40 years old is: painting, florist, demolition, construction, data tech, tutor, valet, super, dishwasher, landscaper, delivery, clown, mover, telemarketer, volunteer, driver and model.

"My eyes are rich, but my hands are poor; I've seen many variations, but I don't have any skills."

I have a broad base of general self education, the which I endeavor in writing having read for a period of years until surfeit with reading so that I now write, but ultimately: I have no skill set(s) in writing or anything else to earn a living within parameters of most organizations due to my limitations as a diagnosed schizophrenic and all that "schizophrenia" entails.

Somehow, I suspect a greater paradigm is at work against my success at anything due to my diagnosis of schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia and all that it entails robs me everyday of a slew of positivity replaced by negativity both within my thinking and popular culture thinking about "schizophrenia" and about people diagnosed with it.

It is as if I am expected to be an autonomous person in that nothing that others do or say affects my well being or outlook due to my diagnosis and anything can be said or done to me with impunity.

I can't be what ten people tell me to be, so I sit at home and write about woe is me with my pets as company while the Philharmonic plays a symphony aired over a frequency in my efficiency.

Can anyone blame me?  Is it my fault that I find myself here today at the keyboard?  Was I born to vegetate or cut a person off incurring curses or else did I wake up just today to be maligned, criticized and lambasted back to my efficiency as a conditioned recluse?