Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Empl0yment Ideas:

I met with the vocational counsel at the State of Maine on Jan. 16, 2015 @ 2pm.

I discussed ideas for jobs such as "homeless outreach worker" or "anything" that I end up doing, including folding boxes at $8.25/hr.

(the voc counsel) suggested I call an "employment specialist" who might have contacts.

I called the employment specialist at 12h15 Jan. 21 to discuss ideas of being employed in "anything."

employment specialist said that employment specialist would team me with Zeek (another employment specialist) at employment specialits' office if I call (voc. counsel) and mention to voc. counsel about what employment specialist and I discussed.

I will be calling voc. counsel at the State of Maine at 3pm Jan. 21, 2015 to inform voc. counsel of employment specialists' and my conversation over the phone.

After I call voc. counsel at 3pm Jan. 21, 2015, I hope to be teamed with Zeek, the employment specialist who has "connections" in order to place me: as preferably a "homeless outreach worker" or else "anything."

Meanwhile, I wait between now and forever for a pay check.

(I can't understand how all these people with their zillions of dollars are too cheap to give up $8.25/hr. for me to be able to fold boxes or whatever ...)

Basically, if I am not earning a pay check by April 2015: then it is "panhandling" full time.  (I already have my signs made up ...)


–James Shirley Barnes–
PO BOX 5049
Portland, ME 04101
Skype: "jamesshirleybarnes"

Thursday, January 8, 2015

On December 8, 2010 @ approximately 7pm:

I just went to bed and R., whose key to the front door I had re-possessed a few days earlier, crawled through the dog door out back and ran up the back steps into this apartment where I was napping yelling: "I love you" and that she wanted to fuck me then and there.

So, then R. blurts out that she stole her mother's car and hit a parked car to come to see me!

I got her the hell out of my apartment, put her in my truck, drove the three blocks from the apartment house to the wrecked car where the police had just arrived to initiate investigation.

I waylaid the point officer on that street five seconds before the officer could initiate investigations with the victim's car by saying to the officer that this is a mental health issue and that the driver of that car (the wrecked car) is in that car (my truck).

My truck idled for an hour on that street with my dog inside it on a 14 degree F night and I did not have a coat on me.

I stood on one leg for a twenty four 1000 count and other tests while R. told the officer who split us on the sidewalk that R. used her key to get into my apartment.

I had told the the TRUTH to the officer that she had come into the apartment through the dog door and up the back steps.

Then, the officer says to me that "somebody is lying."

That officer stepped across the street at that point while another officer stood watching me on the sidewalk where I was shivering and my hands became numb.

Then, I said to the officer watching me on the sidewalk where I was ordered to stand that "there is no lying about it.  I have R.'s best interest utmost in my mind."

Ten minutes after I say that to the watching officer after shivering for an hour on one leg as I was ordered to, the PPD allowed me to drive R. home to her mother.

Not only that, but the PPD gave me the copy of the accident report to take to R.'s mother.

And then, I came back to the apartment along the same route on that street three blocks away from the apartment where I CACA and managed to retrieve my AAA card that I offered AAA to tow R.'s mother's car that R. wrecked.

All while CaCa Brains was shouting at CaCa Debul, CaCa Brains!