Thursday, September 18, 2014

Proof that I am not on meth, pcp or crack is that I have all of my teeth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EHHB (mother)
Date: Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 2:09 AM
Subject: Big big problem
To: Jimmy Barnes

I have been so stupid. I did not realiza til yesterday that you are being poisoned with PCP. You are addicted to the POISON your drug dealer is lacing your so called SAFE mj   How could I be so stupid?
It explains your vicious erratic outbreaks of temper  aggressive behavior
THINK.    You cannot allow yourself to continue. I hope you can go cold turkey. You are ruining
Your life and those around you.  Why do u think everyone is scared of you. You frighten them. You know what I am talking about
Sent from my iPad

Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014 @ 7:25am:
From -JB- to EHHB and PLB

The fact of the matter is that I was prescribed a deleterious medication by doctor during 2011 to 2012 at behest of BU calling my doctor and the medicine caused me to have high blood pressure and inflamed lymph nodes, according to the nurse that I went to see at the Medical Center during April.  When I stopped taking the prescribed medication, high blood pressure and inflamed lymph nodes disappeared without taking one pill of high blood pressure medicine.

The fact of the matter is that I took the prescribed med from 1996 to 2002, was screamed at to take it in spite of my taking it and I won a judgement in a New Jersey court without showing up to court of 9500$ gross $3529.31 net over being prescribed the med and following the doctor's order to take it.  The judge, lawyers and medical professionals who reviewed my records determined from records of my blood tests that I was in fact taking the med as prescribed: hence, $9500 gross 3529.31$ net.

You people need to stop making up fibs about me.